Divorce Attorneys You Can Trust
At Tony Jarrett Law, we understand how painful and stressful the divorce process is to endure. Our job is to work hard to ensure the divorce process moves along swiftly and you are granted the best outcome. There are a number of difficulties one faces in divorce, even when couples are cooperative, custody tends to become the most challenging area to handle. Our legal team helps you avoid serious problems including litigation battles. We are trained and certified mediators, and we have years of experience handling all types of divorce cases. A divorce can be a long process and correct preparation is vital in reducing the length of your case.
Divorce Petitions
To obtain a divorce petition, the husband or wife must petition the court for a divorce judgement. Our Denver law firm will meet with you to draw up these documents and file them with the court. The initial petition is a simple process, but one that can be overwhelming as most spouses will start to draw up a large list of requirements. The respondent has a limited time to file an answer to the initial petition. The respondents answer is normally brief as they will go through and admit or deny the assertions in the petition. Our job is to help you file the right response and ensure you have the best defense in place to go forward with the divorce proceedings.
Temporary Motion
If there are issues that cannot wait until the end of divorce, parties may file temporary orders to address these issues. Most parties will normally make serious efforts to arrive at an amicable solution to avoid going to court.
It is essential to have information that will present you in the best light during court proceedings. Discovery is the process of gathering the information that will strengthen your case at trial. Winning a favorable judgement helps to strengthen your case to handle allegations posed against you in court.
Several divorce cases will settle on the day of the trial. A settlement agreement has advantages as it can provide more judgement to both parties so they can move forward with the divorce quickly. A quick settlement can save time and money to help prevent expensive attorney and court fees. Even if you do have an amicable relationship with your soon to be ex-spouse, you must hire an attorney. The litigation fallout from miscommunication can lead to expensive fees, and can hurt your ability to win your case.
Pre-Trail Conference
In some situations, you may attend a pretrial conference. The conference is designed to help the attorneys of both parties discuss the case. Both parties tend to realize the expense, emotional exhaustion, and other consequences that will incur as they move forward with their divorce. Some couples will approach the negotiations more rationally after a pre-trail conference.
Rarely do divorce cases make it to trail as most couples are able to settle. However, the cases that do go to court often deal with several factors including salary level, length of marriage, and custody. Trial will include petitioners presenting evidence and calling witnesses and the respondent can then make their case.
A divorce is an emotional process that brings out a number of complexities. Allow our Denver law firm to work for you and handle the difficulties that are part of your case. We are here to support you so you are not walking on this path alone. Always talk to an attorney before you move forward with a divorce case. We are here to provide you with the best information possible to bring you the best possible result.